ocr: FUSSIELEPRDAYSENVER CONHOURATONE WIHL ASSOCIATIONCHANGE VLAN: 1 VLAN: 2 Server Server 2 3 4 5 e 7. C4 6 1 C3 Cs Legend: 51 and S2 = servers 1 through C6 - workstations VLAN 1= ports 0,2,3,4,and5 VLAN: 2 = ports 1, 6, and 7 : - Switch pant Figure 2. When using 4 port-based VLAN, creation nethod, you must use the device console to change the assoctation betweer ports and VLANS. To assign clien! nammber 4 with VLANI 1, you ove port. 5 from an assaciR- tion wwith VLAN2 and associate it witk rie anoudeast domain assoctated with VLANI.